# Grouprise 4.3.0 Release date: *2021-10-31* ## Matrix Chat The chat rooms of a group can now be accessed via a stable URL, e.g. `/GROUP_NAME/-/chat/public/`. These URLs are now resolved based on the Matrix ID of the currently logged in user. Thus, now it is more likely, that the user can really use the links in the group overview widget. ## Event handling The following experimental features are now available, but disabled by default: * create recurring events * indicate interest in an event ("attendance") * assign group members to an event (e.g. for triviale task distribution) These features are implemented in a quite basic fashion. Site operators may feel free to enable these experimental feature, if they consider their current state to be sufficient. ## Administration ### Upgrade to Debian Bullseye The [Debian project](https://www.debian.org/) recently published their new release [Debian Bullseye](https://www.debian.org/releases/bullseye/). Now we switched the default build environment to *Bullseye*. Everything should continue to work fine with Debian Buster. Site operators may now start to think about upgrading their hosting environment. ### Data Import and Export Two new functions for `grouprisectl` are available: * `media_dump`: create an archive containing the media data of the instance (uploaded files) * `media_import`: import the content of a media archive Additionally it is now possible to use the functions `dumpdata` and `loaddata` for migrating the database content from one database engine (e.g. SQLite) to another (e.g. PostgreSQL).