# Contribute to the documentation The grouprise documentation for administrators and developers can be found below `docs/` in the grouprise repository. The documentation is rendered via [Sphinx](https://sphinx-doc.org/). Most documentation files are written in markdown format (`*.md`). A few documentation files (especially `index` files for defining hierarchies) are written as restructured text. Simply run `make doc` in order to build the documentation. Afterwards you can browse the generated documentation: `build/doc/html/index.html` ## Markdown format Markdown is a convenient format for writing formatted text, but sadly our currently used parser ([recommonmark](https://recommonmark.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)) does not offer all structuring capabilities offered by Sphinx. The following hints may help you: * referencing a section in a different file: * sadly such references need to rely on automatically generated HTML anchors (e.g. `configuration/options.html#stylesheets`) * the path needs to be relative (i.e. add `../` in front, depending on the nesting level of the current document) * referencing a file: * use something like `/administration/configuration/options` * in contrast to referencing a section (see above), the path can be absolute and should not include the `.html` extension ## Graphs (via graphviz) The [graphviz extension](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/graphviz.html) for Sphinx allows to use render graphs in documentation files: ```rst .. graphviz:: graph { A -- B -- C; A -- D -- C; } ``` Such graphs are (at the moment) only available in `rst` files.