# Configuration Files *grouprise* is looking for configuration files in the following locations: * filename or directory specified in environment variable `GROUPRISE_CONFIG` * `grouprise.conf.d` (in the current directory) * `grouprise.yaml` (in the current directory) * `~/.config/grouprise/conf.d/` (in user's home directory) * `/etc/grouprise/conf.d/` (system-wide configuration) The first location, that contains any [yaml](https://yaml.org/) files is selected. Files in subsequent locations are ignored. If the location is a directory, then all of its children (files and directories) are processed in alphabetical order: * A file is parsed, if the filename ends in `.yaml` and consists only of alphanumeric characters and hyphens. * A directory is processed recursively irrespective of its name. * Items are processed down to their deepest level, before the next item at the same level is processed (depth-first - not breadth-first). If the location is a file, then only this file is parsed. Settings in earlier files are overwritten by settings with the same name in later files. ## Example configuration ```yaml domain: example.org log_recipient_emails: - grouprise@admin.example.org database: engine: postgresql host: localhost name: grouprise_example_org user: grouprise_example_org password: "SECRET_DATABASE_PASSWORD" secret_key: "SOME_RANDOM_SECRET_KEY" feed_importer_gestalt_id: 1 operator_group_id: 1 unknown_gestalt_id: 32 mailinglist_enabled: True branding: logo_backdrop: /-/site/logo_backdrop.svg logo_favicon: /-/site/favicon.ico logo_square: /-/site/logo_large.svg logo_text: /-/site/logo_text.svg backup_path: /var/backups/grouprise extra_django_settings_filenames: - /etc/grouprise/django_settings.py ``` ## Grouprise settings Take a look at the [list of grouprise settings](/administration/configuration/options). ## Advanced settings It is possible to configured advanced Django features (not specific to *grouprise*) by using Django's configuration format: 1. specify a filename in `extra_django_settings_filenames` (see the example above) 2. add any [Django configuration settings](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/settings/) to this file